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RFI Examples

For a list of RFI templates and definitions, see RFI templates.

applicantDetails RFIs

Template Fetch RFI Details APIRequest body
applicantAddressRespond to RFI API
applicantIdentityRespond to RFI API
applicantAuthorizationLetterRespond to RFI API
applicantPersonalImageRespond to RFI API

applicantAddress template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "7cddffb5-e076-4965-8433-2e995de7c8f1",
"referenceId": "86cc20d6-86d2-4da6-87d1-3d7c1f4cf7b8",
"template": {
"name": "applicantAddress",
"documentType": "POA",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "applicant",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Proof of Address Document Type",
"fieldValue": "documentType",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Proof of Address Document",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"remarks": "Require Applicant Adddress Doc for verification (not older than 3 months)",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

applicantAddress request body for the Respond to RFI API

📘 Note

Note: API reference section for Respond to RFI Details mentions businessInfo instead of businessDetails. We accept both values to ensure backward compatibility

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "7cddffb5-e076-4965-8433-2e995de7c8f1",
"businessDetails": {
"referenceId": "86cc20d6-86d2-4da6-87d1-3d7c1f4cf7b8",
"documentType":"Bank Statement",
"document": [{
"fileName": "ProofOfAddress.png",
"fileType": "image/png"

applicantIdentity template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "9ef0ddd3-2070-4024-8edd-dcc1b2f2414b",
"referenceId": "86cc20d6-86d2-4da6-87d1-3d7c1f4cf7b8",
"template": {
"name": "applicantIdentity",
"documentType": "POI",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "applicant",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document Type",
"fieldValue": "documentType",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document Number",
"fieldValue": "documentNumber",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document Expiry Date",
"fieldValue": "documentExpiryDate",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"remarks": "Require Applicant Identity Doc for verification",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

applicantIdentity request body for the Respond to RFI API

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "9ef0ddd3-2070-4024-8edd-dcc1b2f2414b",
"businessDetails": {
"referenceId": "86cc20d6-86d2-4da6-87d1-3d7c1f4cf7b8",
"documentIssuanceCountry": "UK",
"document": [{
"fileName": "IdentityProof.png",
"fileType": "image/png"

applicantAuthorizationLetter template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

Template for powerOfAttorney is similar to applicantAuthorizationLetter .

"templateId": "f48ad926-6b3c-4fb8-ba09-36a73c646fe3",
"referenceId": "86cc20d6-86d2-4da6-87d1-3d7c1f4cf7b8",
"template": {
"name": "applicantAuthorizationLetter",
"documentType": "LOA",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "applicant",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"remarks": "Require Letter of Authorisation for Applicant",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

applicantAuthorizationLetter request body for the Respond to RFI API

Template for powerOfAttorney is similar to applicantAuthorizationLetter .

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "f48ad926-6b3c-4fb8-ba09-36a73c646fe3",
"businessDetails": {
"referenceId": "86cc20d6-86d2-4da6-87d1-3d7c1f4cf7b8",
"document": [{
"fileName": "LOA.png",
"fileType": "image/png"

applicantPersonalImage template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "fad8ddcf-34a0-4951-a09b-a678bb8a18cc",
"referenceId": "86cc20d6-86d2-4da6-87d1-3d7c1f4cf7b8",
"template": {
"name": "applicantPersonalImage",
"documentType": "POI",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "applicant",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Selfie Image",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"remarks": "Require latest photograph of the applicant ",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

applicantPersonalImage request body for the Respond to RFI API

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "fad8ddcf-34a0-4951-a09b-a678bb8a18cc",
"businessDetails": {
"referenceId": "86cc20d6-86d2-4da6-87d1-3d7c1f4cf7b8",
"document": [{
"fileName": "Selfie.png",
"fileType": "image/png"

applicantreKyc template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "758f8e8d-f589-468c-9509-268ce67b3075",
"referenceId": "5ff7c5a9-e7ed-4a7b-a655-0a83eb246e3a",
"template": {
"name": "applicantreKYC",
"type": "data",
"rfiType": "applicant",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Other Data",
"fieldValue": "otherData",
"type": "data"
"remarks": "Please complete the onfido verification:",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

businessDetails RFIs

Template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details APIRequest body
businessNameRespond to RFI API
otherDataRespond to RFI API
businessRegistrationDocumentRespond to RFI API
otherDocumentRespond to RFI API

businessName template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "ccb58d50-5dad-4bff-a418-3c2d5426e4c2",
"template": {
"name": "businessName",
"type": "data",
"rfiType": "corporate",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Business Name",
"fieldValue": "businessName",
"type": "data"
"remarks": "Please submit the name of the business without special charaters",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

businessName request body for the Respond to RFI API

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "ccb58d50-5dad-4bff-a418-3c2d5426e4c2",
"businessDetails": {
"businessName":"Bradsons Electronics28 revised"
} ]

otherData template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"rfiTemplates": [
"templateId": "838c752a-2a3c-42f3-84e9-95a8ab8e9ea2",
"template": {
"name": "otherData",
"type": "data",
"rfiType": "corporate",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Other Data",
"fieldValue": "otherData",
"type": "data"
"remarks": "Please provide detailed nature of business",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

The otherData template is a very useful RFI since agents often use it to fetch any information that doesn't have a template defined.

otherData request body for the Respond to RFI API

"region": "SG",
"clientId": "NIM1693472104978",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "838c752a-2a3c-42f3-84e9-95a8ab8e9ea2",
"businessDetails": {
"additionalInfo": {
"otherData": "My Detailed Nature of business is to sell Oranges online to customers that are in different countries."

businessRegistrationDocument template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

The following RFIs are similar:

  • acra
  • asic
  • directorsRegister
  • incorporationForm
  • invoice
  • license
  • otherDocument
  • partnershipDeed
  • shareholdersRegister
  • trustDeed
  • uniqueTaxpayerNumber
  • corporateAddressProof (Note: documentType is an additional value in the requiredFields)
"templateId": "cee213af-b9a2-4d35-ae4a-31fdf9ef446b",
"template": {
"name": "businessRegistrationDocument",
"documentType": "document",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "corporate",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Business Registration Document",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"remarks": "Please submit the latest Registration Document",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"
"templateId": "76796bf6-ca02-4867-b13f-3661a2594180",
"template": {
"name": "corporateAddressProof",
"documentType": "document",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "corporate",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Address Proof Document Type for Business",
"fieldValue": "documentType",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Address Proof for Business",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"remarks": "Please submit the latest Registration Document",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

businessRegistrationDocument and corporateAddressProof request body for the Respond to RFI API

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "cee213af-b9a2-4d35-ae4a-31fdf9ef446b",
"businessDetails": {
"documentDetails": {
"document": [
"fileName": "BRD.png",
"fileType": "image/png"
"rfiTemplateId": "76796bf6-ca02-4867-b13f-3661a2594180",
"businessDetails": {
"documentDetails": {
"documentType": "Utility Bill",
"document": [
"fileName": "utility.png",
"fileType": "image/png"

otherDocument template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

Compliance agents can request multiple documents in the otherDocument RFI. Make sure to enable uploading of multiple documents for this RFI template and send it in the document field as an array of objects as shown in the example.

"templateId": "76796bf6-ca02-4867-b13f-3661a2594180",
"template": {
"name": "otherDocument",
"documentType": "document",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "corporate",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Other Document",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"remarks": "1. Please submit taxes filed in 2022 and 2023, 2. Please submit Memorandum of Association.",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

otherDocument request body for the Respond to RFI API

"rfiTemplateId": "76796bf6-ca02-4867-b13f-3661a2594180",
"businessDetails": {
"documentDetails": {
"documentType": "Utility Bill",
"document": [
"fileName": "tax2023.png",
"fileType": "image/png"
"fileName": "tax2022.png",
"fileType": "image/png"
"fileName": "memorandum.png",
"fileType": "image/png"

riskAssessment RFIs

Template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details APIRequest body
intendedUseOfAccountRespond to RFI API
transactionCountriesRespond to RFI API

intendedUseOfAccount template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "5c68d9e0-6f23-46f5-86d0-02d6cb81d48b",
"template": {
"name": "intendedUseOfAccount",
"type": "data",
"rfiType": "corporate",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Intended Use Of Account",
"fieldValue": "intendedUseOfAccount",
"type": "data"
"remarks": "What do you intend to use this account for?",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

intendedUseOfAccount request body for the Respond to RFI API

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "5c68d9e0-6f23-46f5-86d0-02d6cb81d48b",
"riskAssessmentInfo": {
"intendedUseOfAccount": "IU001"

transactionCountries template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "177b0715-7b64-45b0-ae7e-1c23c812063a",
"template": {
"name": "transacationCountries",
"type": "data",
"rfiType": "corporate",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Payment Corridors",
"fieldValue": "transactionCountries",
"type": "data"
"remarks": "List all the countries you are going to transact",
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

transactionCountries request body for the Respond to RFI API

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "177b0715-7b64-45b0-ae7e-1c23c812063a",
"riskAssessmentInfo": {
"transactionCountries": ["US","IN","HK"]

stakeholders RFIs

Template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details APIRequest body
stakeholderAddressRespond to RFI API
stakeholderIdentityRespond to RFI API

stakeholderAddress template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "4e63476f-a704-461a-865e-253cf905bb60",
"referenceId": "be4e20fd-2a28-4753-b493-dc49f014a473",
"template": {
"name": "stakeholderAddress",
"documentType": "POA",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "stakeholder",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Proof of Address Document Type",
"fieldValue": "documentType",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Proof of Address",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

stakeholderAddress request body for the Respond to RFI API

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "4e63476f-a704-461a-865e-253cf905bb60",
"businessDetails": {
"stakeholders": [
"referenceId": "40262cf7-bda3-4b19-bed3-03cfbb3a2ad3",
"stakeholderDetails": {
"documentDetails": {
"documentType": "Bank Statement",
"document": [
"fileName": "STPOA.png",
"fileType": "image/png"
} ]

stakeholderIdentity template in the response of the Fetch RFI Details API

"templateId": "478b6c22-8fa7-45eb-8498-26e021914121",
"referenceId": "904200f4-b192-40c2-8a46-b4ec1c748b7b",
"remarks":"Need POI for stakeholder"
"template": {
"name": "stakeholderIdentity",
"documentType": "POI",
"type": "document",
"rfiType": "stakeholder",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document Type",
"fieldValue": "documentType",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document Number",
"fieldValue": "documentNumber",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document Expiry Date",
"fieldValue": "documentExpiryDate",
"type": "data"
"fieldLabel": "Identity Document",
"fieldValue": "document",
"type": "document"
"status": "RFI_REQUESTED"

stakeholderIdentity request body for the Respond to RFI API

If the referenceId belongs to a corporate stakeholder, use the businessPartner object in place of the stakeholderDetails object. The remaining part of the body is the same.

"region": "UK",
"clientId": "NIM1688219482719",
"caseId": "b8eccc6c-dab2-45ac-9386-ca432e4ae75d",
"rfiResponseRequest": [
"rfiTemplateId": "478b6c22-8fa7-45eb-8498-26e021914121",
"businessDetails": {
"stakeholders": [
"referenceId": "40262cf7-bda3-4b19-bed3-03cfbb3a2ad3",
"stakeholderDetails": {
"documentDetails": {
"documentType": "PASSPORT",
"documentNumber": "12345678",
"documentExpiryDate": "2024-11-10",
"document": [
"fileName": "STPOI.png",
"fileType": "image/png"
} ]