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Requests for Information

As a transaction is submitted, Nium evaluates it to check if it can be automatically approved. A request that isn’t automatically approved undergoes a manual review.

As part of this manual review, additional information maybe requested to assist compliance review. This requests are called requests for information (RFIs for short).

During this process, the compliance status of the transaction changes and the client is notified with a Transaction Compliance Status webhook event through their <callback URL> in the following format:

POST https://<clientCallbackURL>?type=TRANSACTION&value={transactionId}

After receiving this notification for the transaction specified by transactionId, the client is expected to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Fetch the Transaction

Fetch the Transaction API using the transactionID in the webhook event you received. The response of the Transaction API is an array of objects that contain the details of all the transactions created by the customer. The following fields include the details needed to complete the RFI flow:

complianceStatusstringThis field denotes the compliance status of the transaction which can be any one of the following:
  • rfiDetailsarray of objectsThis object contains the details of the RFIs if they have been requested by the agent for the transaction. The corresponding complianceStatus should be RFI_REQUESTED for this field to be considered by the client

    rfiDetails array

    This array includes the details of all the RFIs that Nium has raised.

    **NOTE:**This array is only needed when complianceStatus is RFI_REQUESTED.

    requiredData array

    This array contains the fields of data required to be passed as part of each RFI:

    descriptionstringThe unique name of the RFI. \n \nFor transactions with type = data, the description field can also be used to figure out the field name to use in the Respond to Transaction RFI request.
    documentTypeenumThe type of the document, if applicable. \n \nAvailable values include:
  • POI
  • POA
  • null
  • mandatorybooleanDetails if the requiredData array needs to be included. \nAvailable values include Yes or No
    remarksstringReturns any remarks entered by the compliance agent while raising the RFI. Max. length: 255 characters
    rfiHashIdstringThe unique identifier (uuid) for the RFI. This field gets raised under the group of RFI objects.
    rfiIdstringThe unique identifier (uuid) for the group of RFIs raised for the transaction.
    rfiStatusenumThis field highlights whether the RFI has been responded to or not. \n \nAvailable values include:
  • RFI_REQUESTED: this status highlights that the RFI is pending a response.
  • RFI_RESPONDED: this status highlights that the client has responded to the RFI.
  • transactionEntityTypeenumDetails the type of entity for whom the RFI has been raised. Available values include:
  • CREDITOR: The beneficiary involved in the transaction
  • DEBTOR: The remitter involved in the transaction
  • typeenumDetails if the RFI requires only data or if additional documents are required as well. Available values include:
  • data
  • document
  • [requiredData](#requiredData-array)array of objectsReturns the data fields required as part of the RFI.

    Step 2: Respond to the Transaction RFI

    Use the Respond to RFI request to respond to the RFI. Depending on the rfiDetails array in the Get Transaction response, clients can build their response to the RFIs using the Respond to Transaction RFI request:

    authCodestringThe authorization code of the transaction for which the RFI was raised.
    clientHashIdstringYour client hash ID to which the customer is linked.
    customerHashIdstringThe customerHashId created when the customer was initially created.
    walletHashIdstringYour walletHashId.
    rfiResponseRequestarray of objectsContains information required by distinct RFIs - each denoted by rfiHashId in the Get Transaction API response.

    📘 Note

    Max character length for any parameter unless explicitly specified is 255.

    rfiResponseRequest array

    rfiHashIdstringThe rfiHashId of the RFI received as part of the Get Transaction API response.
    rfiResponseInfoobjectThe details required to be submitted as part of the RFI response in case of different types of RFIs.

    rfiResponseInfo object

    Use these fields to respond to the various types of RFIs. For more details on the different types of RFIs, see Transaction RFI Types.

    The client needs to send only the information required in that specific RFI type. See RFI Examples for more details on how you can respond to each RFI.

    bankAccountNumberstringThe bank account number of the remitter/beneficiary.
    bankNamestringThe name of the bank of the remitter/beneficiary.
    dateOfBirthstringThe date of birth of the remitter/beneficiary if they are individuals in YYY-MM-DD format.
    firstNamestringThe first name of the remitter/beneficiary if they are individuals.
    middleNamestringThe middle name of the remitter/beneficiary if they are individuals.
    lastNamestringThe last name of the remitter/beneficiary if they are individuals.
    nationalitystringThe nationality of the remitter/beneficiary if they are individuals.
    addressobjectThe address of residence or address of registration depending on whether the remitter/beneficiary is an individual or a corporate entity.
    identificationDocobjectSubmit the requested documents.
    additionalInfoobjectThis field is used to answer questions and collect any additional information about the remitter/beneficiary.

    address object

    addressLine1stringLine 1 of the remitter's/beneficiary's address. \nMax. limit: 100 characters
    addressLine2stringLine 2 of the remitter's/beneficiary's address. \nMax. limit: 100 characters
    citystringThe city of the remitter's/beneficiary's address. \nMax. limit: 50 characters
    statestringThe state of the remitter's/beneficiary's address.
    countrystringThe 2-letter ISO Alpha-2 country code representing the remitter’s/beneficiary's country.
    postcodestringThe postal code of the customer’s address. Limit: 3-10 characters. Acceptable special characters include:
  • Hypen(-)
  • Hash(#)
  • Space( )
  • identificationDoc object

    Use this object to submit the documents and the details requested in RFI:

    identificationTypeenumThe type of document that needs to be submitted. \nAvailable values include:
  • identificationValuestringThe ID number of the document requested in the RFI.
    identificationDocIssuanceCountrystringThe issuance country of the document. See Fetch corporate constants for the list of available values for the category countryName.
    identificationDocExpirystringThe expiry date of the document, if present, in YYYY-MM-DD format. This should be a future date.
    identificationDocIssuanceDatestringThe issuance date of the document, if present, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Applicable if the document being submitted is an Australian Driver's Licence. This should be a past date.
    identificationDocIssuingAuthoritystringThe issuing authority of the document. Applicable if the document being submitted is an Australian Driver's Licence.
    identificationDocReferenceNumberstringThe reference number of the document. Applicable if the document being submitted is an Australian Driver's Licence.
    identificationDocumentarray of objectsUsed to submit the multiple documents requested in the RFI.

    identificationDocument array

    fileNamestringName of the file being submitted along with the extension
    fileTypestringType of the document file. Available values include:
  • application/pdf
  • image/png
  • image/jpg
  • image/jpeg
  • documentstringBase64 string of the document file.

    additionalInfo object

    otherDatastringUsed when responding to any additional questions or data requested by the compliance agent.