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May 9, 2023

New features

Introduced the Direct Debit capability on Nium's payments network for UK and EU customers. The capability provides convenience to UK-based and EU-based businesses to fund from their UK and EU bank account respectively into their Nium-issued wallets using Direct Debit. To support this feature, new APIs have been added and the existing APIs have been modified as mentioned below. The transaction type for this payment method in Nium's system is WALLET_CREDIT_MODE_DIRECT_DEBIT. Contact your Nium representative to activate this feature.

Refer to the Direct Debit user guide for more details on this feature.

  • addFundingInstrument API — Links the customer’s bank account to their Nium wallet. Additional data elements have been added to receive bank account details in setting up Direct Debit for UK and EU customers.

  • confirmFundingInstrument API — Receives the one-time password (OTP) entered by the customer for validation by Nium against the OTP generated by Nium before setting up a Direct Debit mandate. This is a new API.

  • getFundingInstrumentDetail API — Provides the details of the account that's linked.

  • getFundingInstrumentList API — Provides the list of accounts that are linked.

  • fundWallet API — Initiates the payment instruction to pull the funds.


Introduced the new field statementNarrative in the Fund Wallet API to allow you to pass information that you would like to display in the payer's account statement for every debit transaction done via Direct Debit. The information that you can pass has a maximum length of 10 characters for the US and UK and a maximum length of 140 characters for EU.

API breaking changes

Introduced two new fields in both V1 and V2 of beneficiary APIs. These fields are required for making a local payout to a business in South Africa with South African rand (ZAR) currency.

The updated APIs that include the new fields are addBeneficiary, updateBeneficiary, beneficiaryDetail, and beneficiaryList.

  • beneficiaryContactName (beneficiary_contact_name in v1) - This field requires the name of the contact person of the business.

  • beneficiaryEntityType (beneficiary_entity_type in v1) - This field requires a beneficiary entity type and needs to be one of the following lowercase values:

    • sole_propriatorship
    • partnership
    • privately_owned_company
    • publicly_owned_company
    • government_owned_company
    • go
    • financial_institution

The changes are effective June 15, 2023.